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1441 Highway 19-E
Elizabethton, TN 37643
MLS# 9930753
Property Type: Commercial
Square Footage: 3808
Year Built: 2004
Area: 317 – City of Elizabethton
Property Description
2 acre lot with multiple buildings and tenants, most tenants have been there several years and are different types of businesses. This property would be a good investment or a great place for a high visible new business. 268 feet road frontage, property has a traffic count approximately 25000 per day. This lot can be divided

Complete Dentist Office
519 F St
Elizabethton, TENNESSEE 37643
Complete Dentist Office, Masonry Building and all equipment. 3 Offices.
After 40 years of Dentistry Dr George Zorawski has retired and wishes to sell his entire practice, this would be a great opportunity for a newly licensed Dentist to open tomorrow or an existing practice to expand. Folks it’s complete, he is leaving it all, Exam Chairs, Xray equipment, Drills, Patient Files, and more to follow.
Offered at: $175,000